Last week my wife and I were vaccinated.
We didn't call ahead and only waited around 7 minutes for it to happen.
How did we do it?
First, some facts:
My wife and I are in our early to mid 40s AND we live in Canada, which to be honest, is not having the greatest of shows in vaccinating its citizens.
But that's not what this article is about.
This article is here to help you get vaccinated if you still haven't yet.
And I'm here to tell you why it's important to get vaccinated if you're still on the fence, or have a 'preference' of which vaccine you get.
In full disclosure, my wife and have experienced some side effects from the vaccine, but they are manageable and far less of a concern compared to getting no vaccine at all, or waiting for the perfect vaccine which may never come. See Tip 6 below.
So let's discuss WHY each of us should get vaccinated and HOW to make it happen with tips that will NOT require you to skip any lines. Because no one likes people who do that...
NOTE: These tips below are geared towards our Canadian audience, but for our readers around the world, the same principles and data applies where ever you live, be it the USA, which is seeing a drop in daily vaccinations, or in India where help is needed desperately. You can visit the Red Cross if you'd like to donate.

Here are the Top 7 Tips & Reasons to Get Vaccinated today!
TIP #1 - Even a single shot of Pfizer or Astra Zeneca will save lives. If you're on the fence on getting vaccinated or 'waiting' for a specific vaccine don't wait, get vaccinated.
A compelling reason to get vaccinated is even just 1 shot reduces the chances of spreading COVID by half. Real world data coming out of the UK, with large populations vaccinated with Pfizer AND Astra Zeneca, show even just a single dose of either the Pfizer/BioNTech or Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccines reduces the spread of COVID for those who became infected with COVID at least three weeks later, between 38% and 49%, compared with those who were not vaccinated.
TIP #2 -Make sure you're eligible in your area. Check with your local health authority. Listen to your local radio. Now more than ever is an important time to be listening to your local news, and reading your local papers.
TIP #3 - If you haven't yet, get yourself registered online for your vaccination. If you have a pre-existing health condition you'll get a text message calling you in early.
Note: That means if you live in Vancouver and hear about a pop-up in Surrey, those shots are intended for the local residents at higher risk.
TIP #4 - Vaccination pop up sites are happening daily! And a Vaccine Batman of sorts has been helping people find out what locations are up in their location. See their Facebook page for daily, and hourly updates!
TIP #5- Visit your local pharmacy at the end of day, around 3-4pm and ask them if they have any cancellations. This is how my wife and I got our shots. No we didn't got to shoppers or Costco. We went to our small mom & pop shop
TIP #6 - If you're afraid of the AstraZeneca Vaccine because of all the bad press and you're afraid of getting a blood clot, so you're waiting for another vaccine...some facts
In Canada, as of last week, over 700,000 Canadians received the AstraZeneca Vaccine. A total of 3 - 4 people experienced blot clots.
And per the experts, you'll have around a 1 in to 50-100k chance of a blood clot. But before you run for the hills the chances of getting a blood clot for other reasons are much higher...
Chances of getting a blood clot if you don't get any vaccine and catch Covid are higher.
Chance of getting a blood clot are substantially higher, 1 in 1000 if you take birth control, or fly in an air plane, or do nothing at all.
Talk to Your Doctor - Our pharmacist advised if you have taken the AstraZeneca and are concerned about a blood clot to take 1 x 80mg of Aspirin daily for 2-3 weeks, which is the time for the vaccine process to complete within our immune systems. Aspirin a blood thinner, and this dosage greatly reduces the chances of a blood clot. But again on this, be sure to talk to your doctor on this dosage and what is right and safe for you.
TIP # 7 - If you're worried you'll only get ONE Vaccine shot this summer TAKE IT: studies out of Israel, a leader in Vaccinations where masks are now coming off, show that “...The vaccine reduced symptomatic disease by about 57 per cent, and hospitalization by about 74 per cent,” Dr. Lalji said.
Thanks for reading.
Please don't forget to share this story with a friend who might still be on the fence!
And subscribe today for the latest on personal growth, career advice, and the best real life stories on the internet.
Until next time... take care of yourselves and each other.
Goran Yerkovich
P.s. The Authentic You: Life Foundations Masterclass is now Live! Visit the link or scroll below to learn more and enroll today!
Related Links
1. Vaccines for COVID-19: How to get vaccinated or register - Canadian Government Website
2. A Pop-Up Vaccine Site in One of Canada's Most Impoverished Neighborhoods
3. Register online for your covid vaccine:
4. Vaccine Hunters Canada - The Vaccine Batman is Real!
5. Many in B.C. Will start Summer with a Single COVID-19 vaccine does. What will that mean?
6. Here's a blood clot doctor's advice for those hesitant about the AstraZeneca vaccine
7. Vaccine Batman is Real! https://torontolife.com/city/i-guess-you-could-say-its-become-an-obsession-meet-bea-serdon-a-k-a-batman-whos-booked-more-than-120-vaccine-appointments-for-friends-family-and-total-strangers/
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About the Author - Goran Yerkovich is the founder of The-Inspired.com, an online magazine designed to help readers reach their personal goals. The-Inspired includes some of the best tools, tactics, and habits from the greatest minds of today and yesterday. Goran lives in the greater Vancouver area with his wife and two cats Kimchi and Kauai. Goran is also the creator of The Authentic You: Life Foundations Masterclass! See below!
The Human Problem Is Real There's a big problem out there, right now, that no one is talking about.
It's being amplified by the Global Pandemic, and yet, no one is addressing it...until now.
It's something called The Human Problem, because as bad as you might feel right now about certain things in your life, the truth is, there are many others, millions in fact, who feel similar to you.
You see, all of us, in many ways, are connected in this very real Human Problem...
Why are there so many people depressed, or not fully satisfied with their lives?
Why are there so many of us who can't sleep at night?
Why are we worrying all the time?
Why have some of us lost our spark?
Why have some of us lost our passion, joy, and excitement for LIFE?
Why are we still living with so much conflict, anxiety, and stress everyday of our lives?
WHY can't we tap into our incredible strengths and talents to completely change and transform our lives? ...But what if ALL OF THIS was because... We never learned: HOW to live as our Authentic Selves? or HOW to live our Authentic Lives?... Visit The Authentic You Life Foundations Masterclass to learn more! This masterclass is the most real-world and science-backed course in achieving and mastering what it means to truly live as the Authentic You!
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Within the incredible value packed 117 Modules of Lessons, Worksheets, Toolkit Guides and Quizzes, are easy to follow routines, daily habits, and mindset principles based on proven psychometric scientific studies & research. These behavioural modern day personal growth strategies are designed to empower you to master your greatest strengths and talents, and also add more peace and balance in your day.
Whether you’re looking to slow down, or navigate your compass with more passion, purpose, and fulfillment in your life, or simply here to sharpen your skills, to learn the latest in cutting-edge Goal Setting Strategies for 2021, this course will help you unlock, nurture, and master what it means to be the incredible, the powerful, Authentic You. Enroll in this one of a kind Masterclass today!