"If anything kills 10 million people in the next few decades it's most likely to be a highly infection virus, and not a war. Not missiles but microbes. It will be a virus like this one..."
-Bill Gates, Ted Talks 2015
With the announcement of closed borders across Europe, Canada, the USA, and a complete lockdown in Italy, France, Spain, and even Germany, here are the top 10 things you need to know to help stop the spread of COVID-19, its impacts to your health, the financial support available, and the warning from Bill Gates we completely missed 5 years ago:
1. COVID-19 is spreading at an exponential rate from people who don't know they are sick. Self Isolation works and applies to you. Yes you. If you haven't started yet. See guidance to start self-isolating today.
2. The best way to reduce your chances of catching COVID-19 is Social Distancing. It's time to get serious about social distancing if you haven't already. See guidance to start Social Distancing today.
3. The 80% of us who contract COVID-19 will only experience mild symptoms. But 20% will experience severe symptoms and complications. If you think you might be sick, stay home. Click here for more info.
4. Complications to COVID-19 may include a 20-30% reduction in lung capacity.
5. The World Health Organization cautions against using Ibuprofen to combat symptoms from the virus.
6. It took China 4 months to stabilize its curve using extreme methods, including the extraordinary step of locking down tens of millions of people days in advance of the Lunar New Year to flatten the curve.
7. South Korea was able to stabilize and potentially flatten its curve in just 3 weeks. Thanks to mobilized teams of COVID-19 testers. The rest of the world should model testing to South Koreas approach.
8. Are you an employed or self-employed small business in Canada worried about your income? Checkout Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and Businesses
9. Have a teenager at home not taking COVID-19 seriously? Ask them to watch this video from Italians quarantined in their homes. This could be us in just 9 or 10 days - locked in our homes for weeks or months just like the Italians, of all ages.
10. Bill Gates warned us we wouldn't be ready for a Pandemic. Watch his TED Talk from 2015 titled “The next outbreak? We’re not ready”
"We've invested very little to stop an epidemic. We're not ready for the next epidemic."
-Bill Gates, Ted Talks 2015
The Options Ahead. Do Your Part Today
Are you a business or community leader? Did you underestimate the COVID-19 virus?
Or do you work for someone still going into the office each day, unnecessarily?
If so, it is still possible to take action and help slow the spread of this highly contagious virus.
Read and forward this short article on in steps leaders and each of us can take starting today:
Until next time, stay safe. Take care of yourselves and each other. And remember, we're all in this together.
1. VOX: 11 charts that explain the coronavirus pandemic.
2. Ottawa Public Health: Self-Isolation Instructions for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/self-isolation-instructions-for-novel-coronavirus-covid-19.aspx
3. NPR News: It's Time To Get Serious About Social Distancing. Here's How https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/17/817251610/its-time-to-get-serious-about-social-distancing-here-s-how
4. CDC: Steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html
5. Science Alert: Those Who Recover From Coronavirus Can Be Left With Reduced Lung Function, Say Doctors
6 CBC News: WHO cautions against using ibuprofen to treat COVID-19 https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/ibuprofen-covid-19-novel-coronavirus-1.5501496
7. Forbes: Has South Korea Stabilized Its COVID-19 Outbreak?https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2020/03/11/has-south-korea-stabilized-its-covid-19-outbreak-infographic/#398ea0b8686f
8. Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and Businesses
9. Business Insider https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-recovery-damage-lung-function-gasping-air-hong-kong-doctors-2020-3
10. Worldometer Coronavirus Cases: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
Goran Yerkovich Founder, The-inspired.com
About the author - Goran Yerkovich is the founder of The-Inspired.com, a website filled with real life stories and great life lessons. The-inspired is designed to help readers master their personal growth and live a more inspired life. Goran lives in the greater Vancouver area with his wife and two cats Kimchi and Kauai.