Almost a year ago, while on vacation with family and friends, I found myself staring at a wooden cabinet filled with a hodgepodge of over twenty board games. My choice that night was eerily prophetic, and offers a lesson in the weeks and months ahead.
For some reason, one board game took my interest. It was called, quite ominously, "PANDEMIC."
"This looks interesting," I said placing the colourful blue box down on the green kitchen table of the VRBO we'd rented for the weekend.
In no time, everyone had gathered around the table.
Whether they knew it or not, we were all soon to become part of a game that changed how we lived. It would deepen our understanding of how interconnected we've all truly become. It would be a game testing our resolve and challenging our courage.
But in this game, more than ever, we needed everyone working together.
"Wow, this game looks amazing," they shouted as I slowly backed away.
"I don't know," I said. "Looks a little intense for the last night of our holiday. I think I'll just go bed."
Which was exactly what I did that night. I went to bed. Having no idea, that in just a years time, all of us would be living through a real life global pandemic. The board game was about to become real.

"Disease, infection, outbreak, and epidemic. This is all you will be talking about as you gather your friends around the table and join in to play “Pandemic”, a cooperative 2-4 player game by Matt Leacock, published by Z-Man games." -
But in this case, this real life global crises, there is no going to bed, no turning our shoulders, and no believing we have no part to play.
Each of us has a role to play.
In times like these lets focus not just on what's best for us, but for our entire community.
10 Tips For Today: Supporting Your Community and Home Life Survival: COVID-19
1. COVID-19 can stay airborne for up to 3 hours. Airborne transmission is “plausible,” according to a study published in the print edition in the peer-reviewed The New England Journal of Medicine this week from scientists at Princeton University.
2. Clean Packages you Bring Home. The New England Journal of Medicine suggests the virus is detectable for up to three hours in aerosols, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel, as reported by Science Daily.
3. Are You Still Not social distancing? The CDC has stated silent carriers of COVID-19 are infecting 10% of communities. Note: When interactions happen, conversations should be 2 metres apart.

4. Silent Carriers Do Not Display Symptoms. So, if you don't want to get your mom or dad sick, or grandparents, or kids, or friends or their family sick, stay home by practicing these steps.
5. Assign one person in your family to buy groceries or try a Grocery Delivery Service such as - For a few extra dollars, you can request delivery to your door via this service. I tried it a few days ago and it worked great. I received a same day delivery.
6. Do You Know Your Neighbours? They Might Need Help. Contact them today. Many of us complain or wish we had a better sense of community. Now is the time to make it happen. This week I've been in contact with 11 homes in our neighbourhood, sharing tips, suggestions, and crucially letting each other know we're here if they need help.
7. Each day, find a quiet place to get at least 30 minutes of Exercise. Like NOT a downtown park in Vancouver. English Bay people what were you thinking yesterday?
8. Online Medical Advice. - Babylon by TELUS Health is a free healthcare mobile app that allows you to check symptoms, consult with doctors* and access your health records.
Or try For online doctor or prescription or medical advice support. A good friend tried the service and it worked for him. There is a big surcharge, but if you need support after hours or just cant go to doctors, check it out.
9. Stay Positive. Practice Gratitude. Review Your Internal Dialogue. As cases continue to rise, trying times will be ahead. If you find yourself focusing on the negative, or angry or anxious, try these steps to stay positive and grounded.
10. Not sure what to do with your extra time these days? Try the Optimizing Experience of Flow. Flow has the ability improve your day, or to literally change your life. In times like these, "Flow" might just be one of our best manuals to the soul. Flow Will Change Your Life.
11. Video Conferencing via ZOOM - Try Zoom for free to conference in a group of friends or work colleagues for a virtual party or meeting. I've used Zoom for work with customers and vendors. It's a great tool to keep in touch.
12. Don't Cancel Your Gym Membership - Small local businesses and other services will be hit the hardest during this time. Do not cancel your gym membership or other services. They will need this money to pay rent, and put food on their tables. And that small amount you give will go a long way. My gym of choice, and in my opinion the best gym in the Greater Vancouver / Lower Mainland, is the family run Total Fitness - renovated with new equipment and has never looked better. Looking forward to pumping iron in there again real soon!
My Other Articles on COVID-19 with some good fact-checked links:
Bill Gates Pandemic Warning We All Missed. 10 Things You Need to Know: COVID-19
Coronavirus: Do Your Part, Take Action Now
Additional Sources:
1. Medical News Today COVID-19: Study estimates rate of ‘silent transmission’
2. Metro Vancouver residents continue to gather outdoors despite dire COVID-19 warnings
3.What can I do to improve my Personal Growth? The Power of Internal Dialogue
4.Flow: It Will Change Your Life
Until next time. Stay strong. Stay Inspired.

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Goran Yerkovich Founder,