Episode 2 - The Authentic You Podcast - Click here to begin listening now or listen on YouTube.
Picture if you will a young man and a this mullet, arriving with backpack in hand at Vancouver international airport back in 2005. This man has only a few dollars to his name, and the feeling he had finally arrived.
But having just travelled thousands of miles to get here, his real journey, the one that REALLY mattered, was only beginning. This is a voyage all of us must take, but only some ever finish.
In this episode of The Authentic You Podcast we begin to introduce remedies for employee burnout, and I share my real life underdog story and the one simple yet profound idea that completely transformed my life.
We’ll also go back into history, to small sleepy town in Brazil where not that long ago a new hell was born. It’s the incredible true story of the hell of Serra Pelada, where men became slaves to their jobs. In this story, get ready for a shock and surprise ending we can all learn from.
Episode 2 Summary:
1. Self-Awareness, Mullets, and Arrested Development, via my Underdog Story & The Three False Beliefs that Hold Us back.
2. Career Mastery & The One Life Changing Idea that has the Power to Transform Your Career as it did for me.
3. Incredible True Forgotten Story of The Hell of Serra Pelada Where Men became Slaves to Their Jobs.
Article & photos: The-Inspired/The Hell of Serra Pelada
Free 5-For-5 Challenge at The-Inspired.com with readers in over 100 countries.
Thanks for your time. Until next time take care of yourselves and each other.
Goran Yerkovich