Spoiler alert: This top 10 list DOES NOT include the habit of eating chips before bed. Nor was it buying a step counting watch! Not even close. We all have bad habits that we pick up over time. Or habits we think forgive others: One wrong will be fixed by the next right.
We all have bad habits that we pick up over time. Or habits we think forgive others: One wrong will be fixed by the next right.
And as adults we don't have mom to slap us across the head to get real. Well consider this that slap across the head article for your reading enjoyment.
And hopefully as a reminder that if we’re not practicing any of these well..
If you're not consciously making efforts towards the rules below, I have one question for you...WHY NOT? Controversial Note to All my step counting friends out there - You know who you are: The ones that reach 10,000 steps in a day then go eat a cheese burger or chocolate croissant after to celebrate
Throw away your step counting watch today! What you eat is WAY more important than the steps you do. And you know it.
Create rules that you’ll never break again to become the healthier you tomorrow.
I say this with love. I say it because I care.

So without further delay, here are the Top 10 Habits that Changed my life:
1. Being grateful for the life I have, as a 2 min mental exercise each night. The love I have. The family I have. The friends I have. My health. My opportunities. Learning to be grateful will change how you see yourself in the world.
2. Making time for quality conversations with my wife each day. At night. On long walks. Date nights. Being grateful will translate to new actions and priorities.
3. Spending MORE time with the friends I care about the most. Filler friends are OK, but if they don’t feed your soul move on. Each Sunday I organize WHO I plan to see for the week ahead.
4. Treating my neighbours as I would my family. With love and respect. And helping out when I can. There’s plenty of science behind strong neighbourhood bonds and living a long, happy life. If I see a neighbour I make it a habit to stop and talk to them, because I care.
5. Eating less sugar. And NOT drinking soft drinks, or beer. This might be a popular answer, but I feel fantastic after giving up these hard to digest drinks. Especially Beer.
6. Eating whole foods and less junk food. It’s hard to quit cold turkey, but if you want to live long, avoid cancers, eat whole foods that don’t come in cans or in frozen boxes.
7. Stop eating after 8pm. Sleep is impacted by the food you eat. Especially if you eat late. And your body needs 12 hours to digest food so if you eat late, and then eat early you are eating before fat reserves are used up
8. Turn off TV, cell phones, computers, ALL electronic devices ONE HOUR before going to bed and reading a book, or having a great conversation with my wife.
9. Read 25 pages every day before going to sleep at night. You’ll read more books in one month than most people read in one year. Try it.
10. Learning to say NO to experiences you know you won’t love. They might be something you’ll find OK, but spend more time doing what you love.
11. BONUS x 1 - Focusing on ONE big dream at a time, creating goals and actions and working on your goals EVERY SINGLE day. I spend almost 2 hours on my future goals every day.
12. BONUS x 2 - Do something that gives you GREAT fulfillment each day. For me it’s writing. I love it, always have, always will. But I gave it up for almost 15 years before recently picking it up again and I've never been more fulfilled. If I’ve had a bad day it gives me INCREDIBLE satisfaction. Do something you love today. Every day. Even if its for 30 minutes. You definitely deserve it.
For more inspiring tips, rules of life, things NOT to waste your time on, visit us at
Thanks for reading and I hope that helped someone out there today.
Goran Yerkovich