Goran Yerkovich

Jun 23, 20212 min

All That We Are Is The Result of What we Have Thought.

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."

I love this quote...because it reminds us that anything is possible.

As long has we have the self-belief to take a step forward and begin a new journey.

To believe in you and your true potential.

Believe and know you are ready to do the work.


Remember those that 'Take' from you will NEVER be satisfied.

So don't give your power away. Not any more.

My Story - When I was a Slave to my Job

Here is a story I wrote a while back when I was a slave to my job and my boss who constantly wanted more and more.

This including ALWAYS working through lunches

This included drinking late when I didn't want to.

This even included 1am meetings.

This went on for years.

At work, I was unable to make any friends, because I was ALWAYS working.

I was so stressed I lost clumps of hair on my head and thought it was normal... until I left that job and my hair grew back.

It was when I realized I was worth more than someone else's acceptance.

It was when I realized I was worth much more.

It was the moment I realized I needed to stop caring so much about what other people think.

It was the moment I realized and something I hope you realize that...

You always have a choice.

AND you are more powerful than you realize.

Play to your strengths.

...And you'll become unstoppable.

Don't let the takers convince you that you are not more than your weaknesses.

Tell others the work you WANT to do, because you're GREAT at it.

Because the company WILL benefit the most from it.

Be. Embrace. Become.

The Authentic You.

Are you ready to take back your life?