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What's Your Biggest Regret in Life? The Inspired's Top 10 Regrets to Avoid in Life

Writer's picture: Goran YerkovichGoran Yerkovich

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

Why does this question matter? Well, the secret is, it's not just about what our biggest regrets in life are, it's about what we are NOT doing today that we might comes to regret in 5, 10, or 20 years from now. And that's the question that really matters.

We may not like to admit it, but we likely all have some regrets in our lives.

Some are bigger than others. And some standout on their own. There are some essential truths we can take from regrets from our past. In fact, we should all be taking inventory of what our biggest regrets are so that we learn from our pasts.

I’ve lived a good life but I know if I could go back in time I’d be tapping my younger self on the shoulder and saying the following:

1. Realize your passions in life early. Spend time learning about what you love to do in life.

2. When you break up from a relationship, go easy on your partner. Especially if you are the one ending it. Be kind. The process is going to be more painful than you can imagine.

3. Focus on your education early and if you don’t know what you want to be when you’re 17 - 24, find a related area to get a college or university degree. If you don’t, you’ll be doing things the hard way.

4. Be kind to your body. Cancer, disease, is all linked to living an unhealthy lifestyle of processed foods, high sugar diet.

5. Sleep 8 hours per day. If you sleep less than 8 hours you’ll be damaging your brain and body functions and reducing your life expectancy. More on this topic coming soon!

6. Travel every year if you can afford it. Travelling opens your eyes to new experiences, cultures, foods, people. you’ll learn to appreciate the world for just how different and similar it really is.

7. If you can’t do what you love for a living, find a way to keep doing it in your spare time. That means art, or writing, or playing the drums. If you don’t, someday you’ll realize you missed out on years of fun and fulfillment for no good reason.

8. Don’t allow yourself to be part of unhealthy, or abusive relationships. Regardless of if it’s your parents, family, or friends, don’t allow yourself to be abused. It’s not ok.

9. Buy Real Estate as early as possible. Over time it will go up in value in most places. Do your research and find a way to get started.

10. Save your money. Learning how to have a budget early will teach you about all the ways you waste your money for no good reason.

And that’s my list. Hope it helped someone out there.

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Goran Yerkovich

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In the fall of 2017 I founded as my way of contributing back to the world.  Never before has so much powerful, educational, informative life changing knowledge been available to us online. The Inspired is a BEST oF compilation of those sources, with a specific goal in mind...


I heard something recently that I know rings true: The reason most people don't reach their goals in life is because they don't have a clear idea of what their goals are. And then for those who do have a clear vision, they don't stick with the daily process of working on reaching those goals until the job is done.  


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